We need your help to review the costs and benefits associated with completing the DSPT (5th April 2024)

Would you be willing to complete a survey on the costs and benefits associated with completing the DSPT.

NHS England routinely seeks input from organisations in terms of the costs and benefits associated with national data collections, such as the Data Security and Protection Toolkit. This allows us to better understand the burden that these collections might impose on you and your organisation against the value that they deliver. NHS England has a statutory duty to provide a report to the Department for Health and Social Care detailing the impact of data collections on organisations.

 We require this in respect of the Data Security and Protection Toolkit.

An excel template is attached; please could you complete with your information and return to standards.assurance@nhs.net within the next two weeks (until 19th April).

The template contains guidance, but if you need any support filling out the survey or would like to discuss the process then please contact exeter.helpdesk@nhs.net.  This survey is voluntary and does not form part of your DSP Toolkit assessment.

You should include the specific costs of your DSPT assessment – rather than the associated costs of implementing good practice data security.  So you should not include the time your staff spend completing data security training, but you should include time updating/completing the DSPT (“transposition”) and securing approval within your organisation.

Thank you for your support with this assessment.  The information you provide is incredibly useful, and will not only help us to understand ways we might better collect these specific data, but will also inform wider discussions about reducing the cost of collecting data across the whole NHS system.

Many thanks


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