Additional DSP Toolkit Guidance for sites using both NHSmail and another Email service

Support for answering 6.3.3, 6.3.4 and 6.3.5 for sites with multiple email system including NHSmail.

Additional DSP Toolkit Guidance for sites using both NHS Mail and another Email service.


If you are only using NHSmail for your email in your Data Security and Protection Toolkit go to the Organisation Profile,

select ‘Yes’ to the Question ‘Is NHS Mail the only email system used by your organisation?’


This will auto complete these evidence items 6.3.3, 6.3.4 and 6.3.5.


If you are using NHSmail in addition to other email systems, so cannot answer yes, the following has been agreed with the DSPT team.


6.3.3  Name of spam email filtering product.

How to respond 

Add details for the non-NHSmail email systems you are using. 
Add an additional note to state you are using NHSmail spam filtering (further evidence not required for NHSmail).

6.3.4   Number of spam emails blocked per month.

How to respond 

Add the number for the non-NHSmail email systems you are using. 
Add an additional note in the comments to state you are using NHSmail spam filtering (further evidence not required for NHSmail).

6.3.5    Number of phishing emails reported by staff per month.

How to respond 

Add the number for the non-NHSmail email systems you are using. 
Add an additional note in the comments to state you are using NHSmail phishing filtering (further evidence not required for NHSmail).